Wednesday, December 1, 2010

♥ Day out

Day out with my ChuckyBaby a.k.a. JoeyBeibei :) Woke up at around 10:30am then slag around, bathe and prepared myself. I'm quite proud of myself being able to prepare in such a short time limit. Prepare = brush up, bathe, sort out what I wanna wear, blow my hair, makeup, etc...

Grab my camera, here I go. Snap non-stop and then SHIT camera out of battery. Quickly recharged it because I'm like going out in half and hour???

While waiting for Babe to get ready, I watched GossipGirl. New episode is on XD WOOOTS! Can't wait for the next. Serena looks so hot with Nate x) Messed up life with tons of cash, the upper east siders' life is a goal that I can never accomplish. Well, I guess I'm not quite used to that kinda lifestyle. Just give me the Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, and lots of Chanel ;)

Today eyemakeup isn't that messy ;) I love it. Hate smudges. Babe called my makeup 蟒蛇. 'Cause its so damn thick. As my closer friends know, I have very thick double eyelids. If a simple eyeliner, its gonna be invincible. So got no choice to draw is super thick XD
But I glad my skin is getting better and better. I guess babyboy's everyday telling me how perfect my skin is make my skin happy and taadahh it is better and better each day :)

Took a cab to CitySquare and then went for Karaoke@Neway. Babe and I got loads of heart to heart talk :-( I miss you babe. The waiter is not concentrating working :p.. Taking FB address' from customers during work hours? tsk tsk tsk... LOL

*Ignore the vanity of me flooding this post with tons of self potraits*

Focus on the above picture and spot! I've changed my nails color :-) Went to the same shop and got my color changed due to the falling off of colors. Changed to a baby pink. Sweeeeet :-) And focus too on my bulky eyes. Seems sore from this picture, like I was crying last night. Babyboy, did I?

Starbucks after Karaoke. Chocolate Cream Chip for me and Mocha for Babe :-) I'VE GOT SERIOUS CAFFEINE ADDICTION! 911 HELP!!!!

After that went back to my home sweet home, prepared awhile and Chris is here to fetch us back to Babe's house. Then laze around, prepared and off we go. Our nightlife :)

I'm still not quite awake -.- Going out now. Tataaaa peeps.

ps://'s version of Like a G6 is awesome. Way to go Far East Movement! And HEY I'M SOBER :-)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

♥ Simple ;)

Picture taken on Sunday before going to Sutera Mall for Move Studio's Event.

Simple day ;) Went City Square after that, went for food and ear piercing. After that went back to my condo, decided to have a swim ;) Went swimming at 9:30pm, so cold ><>

My happy holiday ;) Gonna be in Kuala Lumpur most of the time YIPPEEEE SHOPPING TIME ;) MaiiBaby gonna bring me around ♥
Why not bring me to Kl tower? ;) Baby pwetty pleaseeeeee ♥
Hope you noticed this :p?

*Sorry for this random post ;)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

♥ Bankrupted :-(

Woke up very early this morning, had an early sleep last night. No idea what the hell came over me, probably rainy days make me sleepy. Anyways woke up at 07:32am, text mah boy and he called me straightaway :-) teeheehee we chatted for an hour plus and he have the hang up to prepare himself to woke. I was lazing on my bed, surfing facebook(with nothing else to surf), then I felt damn hungry. I pulled myself up from bed and brushed up then headed to the kitchen to cook myself a bowl of instant noodles XD

After my instant noodles breakfast, I continue the series Lie To Me and then went to shower. I have this vanity habit to stare at the mirror when I have nothing else to do. In room = vain looking at mirror, camwhoring in front of the mirror, observing my face in front of the mirror, combing my hair non-stop in front of the mirror, and facing my laptop. My life is simple ehh :-D

And due to boredom and dryness of lens, I fell asleep while waiting for my sis, Michelle Salvatore. We were supposed to meet up for manicure and pedicure. But then she fong fei kei !
Called her at around 2pm after I woke them then she told me she couldn't go. And so I woke up and insisted to go for manicure&pedicure, I called Joey. Told her my plan and then she promised me to meet me in Holiday Plaza while I'm doing my nails.

And then finally... Taadaaa !!! The outcome is quite satisfying and I enjoyed the massage. Awww such relaxing. I LOVE RED...!!! Added pokkadots for my toenails... Fresh red for my fingernails... I don't wanna post the pictures of my toenails 'cause it makes me feel pervertic -.-'' ok, maybe it's just me having this feeling, but I couldn't stand posting pictures of my toenails on the net. Maybe I've gotten phobia from this Caucasian guy whom I knew long time ago who had a liking for female's toes. Ewww... I guess it is stuck on my mind......... shit*

In conclusion :-( I'm officially BANKRUPTED.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

♥ 近來

好一段時間沒寫部落格了,終於放假了 :) 又可以賴床的日子真享受。
近來很好,每天當藥桶吃藥吃不停 看醫生看到怕。連護士都記得我名字 感覺很親切╭(╯^╰)╮還真不希望當病人 討厭定時吃藥 那種感覺很約束 >V<

時間很充實 每天幾乎都有東西做有地方去 精彩日子。12月我差不多可以住雲頂了 XD
我真的不懂該寫什麽 你看怎樣子好?唉

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

♥ Chances?

Beautiful week ♥ Trying so hard to live my day fruitfully =] even though things are going hay-wired. Chances. Are people given chances in times when they have decided to change to a better self? Are others willing to give them the chance, at least once, to see them change and lead a better life? Are the 'others' so generous to forgive and forget those faults they had made? or are they selfish thinking all about themselves and store up hatred in their heart till it turns black and explode? a.k.a. wrinkles and looking so damn old? Everyone has a bad/unforgettable/regretful/ugly/naked past. Who's past life story is perfectly beautiful and wonderful?
My life story ain't perfect. I've been rebellious, playful, and did stuffs that I can't even face right now. I have dirty secrets which I can't share to anyone. What to do? Stuffs are done, times are gone. I can't rewind and change the facts right? So why not move on?

But then, who gives a damn how you maintain your life? Who actually gives a f*ck when you walked in way of darkness? *excluding God, He knows our ways*. There's a saying in Chinese, when you did something good, they don't promote it; but when you did a crime, people spread it faster then internet. True. I truly agree. People spread rumors more than promoting good news. But what can be done..? Humans enjoy seeing others fall, enjoy seeing others leading a miserable life. HUMANS ARE SELFISH ! who enjoys bliss and expects others to fall. The worst is, they don't even realized its their mistakes. They will always blame others for what happen and then order everyone to be under his/her hands to be controlled.

Frankly to say, I am no difference from the above saying. Sometimes I can be selfish and so bad in ways when I care too much about certain situations/things. Oh why, I AM STILL HUMAN MADE OUT OF FLESH AND BLOOD, BORN OUT FROM MY MOTHER'S WOMB ! So that makes me no difference from you. THE DIFFERENCE IS HOW YOU CONTROL YOUR OWN DOINGS AND BEINGS AND HOW YOU CONSTANTLY TEACH YOURSELF NOT TO BE SELFISH AT ALL TIMES. I am no saint nor holy but at least I can control myself and do stuffs that are right. And at most times my motive is to not hurt anyone and let no one hurt me.

Friends have been telling me to let myself looser. Let myself get closer to friends more and be without distance with them. BUT when I let myself loose and being more outgoing, problems start to come out. How can I let myself go on this way? How can I listen to advices and sacrifice myself, letting myself hurt physically and mentally? I'm just being stupid to lead my life that way, knowing people come into my life and hurt me then continue doing the same thing again and again.
It's not my fault shutting everyone away from my deepest heart. Maybe the past had become an obstacle for me to move forward or close to anyone. Other than the family, the boyf., and Beibei, I bet I can hardly trust anyone. Who can I trust some more when people may do harm to my heart? I am not a strong lady, I am not born standing on solid ground, I am not born with a heart made of stone. I'm not a girl, not yet a woman. I can burst out and cry like a child, I can walk up with my head to the sky confidently like a woman. Conditions and feelings change as situations change. I AM STILL A HUMAN. ♥

Sunday, November 7, 2010

♥ Let it out

Days still go on without smiles. So, why bother wasting my time being unhappy? =*] I know every obstacles happen for a reason. The trials that are coming my way are placed by God to make me stronger. Yes, stronger! I will be the one from being the weak little girl to the strong woman who is able to carry up the problems.

A ghostly face to make myself laugh =]. Enough of emo-ness, go on with my life. Just finished Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 7 and Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 8. Just finished downloading PPS to find movies to watch. Any recommends for shows? My life is getting bored.. and bored.. and bored..

How I wish life ain't so shitty? Broken relationships (friendships,loveships,familyships) etc. can be damn complicating. All the backstabbing can be painful especially when you're not in a armor and kept your eyes off guard. And the next second you look at yourself, you'll see a knife in your heart. That stands for *L. Loser! Stupid asshole to believe in bonded relationships for life a.k.a. so connected that we are 'forever'. I should have known that it isn't easy to start a relationship unlike it is sooo easy to just stop one. Probably it is easy to start one, but HARD TO MAINTAIN ONE.

♥ Maybe lies are lessons that teaches you to stop believing people like a little girl blindfolded and running around playing with no-one? *sounds creepy*

It seems like just yesterday that I lose myself, gave myself up just for some small obstacles. Why do I give up easily on myself? Why do I let those unnecessary rumors attack my brain and heart? Why do I care so much on stuffs that were not important? Why do I bother to take a glimpse in the heart of those who don't even care a f*ck bout me? See! Its all my fault letting sadness and heartache enter my mind and killing my brain cells one by one!

I will be the new me after I wake up, it will be bright and shine tomorrow when I wake up. And none of the rumors or fear will come to me anymore. Even if it comes, I have nothing to be afraid of. The tug of war between us is just damned. No one is having war. F the war.

Some people are meant to be good friends and not a good lover. I'm a good lover =]. Don't believe? Ask my lover then =]. Ask my friends whether I'm a good friend? I will sacrifice everything for a friend if I have the ability to. ♥
Aww, I've cheered up after letting everything go and thinking over with a clear mind.
I just can't wait to welcome my future, welcome my college life, and all the new changes that are gonna happen. Tell me my future is near. I'm reaching forward to everything that belongs to me.

Whatever is happening to me now, will be just fireworks, which is dangerous yet extremely pleasing to the eyes of the maker, soon will disappear as time goes.

Last of all, just a bit of playful me screaming I WANNA HAVE A FEEL OF WHAT CLUBBING FEELS LIKE =]. Anyone going? ♥

Friday, November 5, 2010

♥ 我充實的日子

我喜歡快樂得笑 = ] 很自在的感覺 上面這張照片頭髮不是我的 XD
朋友躺著在後面把頭髮甩給我,顏色差不多相像 = ]

星期四那天和我最愛的Baby Kangaroo出門唱歌去 痛痛快快一起唱歌
貝貝唱【不能跟情人說的話】給我聽 還給我【Muacks】。
最愛你了 = ] 麼麼 ♥

有些話就連身邊最親的家人/男朋友 都不能說的
那些說不出口的話 就是對【妳】說的。

謝謝你總是陪我分享 不能跟情人說的話
我反反復複 你也從不笑我
老是罵他 卻又離不開他

謝謝你總是替我收藏 不想跟情人說的話
我胡思亂想 你只握著我手
讓我釋放 然後慢慢寬廣

過後和我的Baby Dinosaur去CitySquare走走 控制著不能買東西
我們決定去看電影 = ]

我們看DeathPlace 因為我的一句“沒mood看卡通呀”
過後進去真的後悔 o(╯□╰)o 我可以崩潰 絕對不再看泰國鬼戲

沒辦法 沒東西做 就回家載媽咪和大姐去喝茶 XD
我們4個就很悠閒去到La Gourmet。
一坐下來 二姐就打來說差不多要到了 我和Dinosaur就離開座位去載她
吃吃吃 到10點半才回到家 ♥ 行程滿滿的一天。

星期五 Deepavali 印度人新年 XD
媽咪早上突然打算和二姨她們一起回鄉下 = ] 好久沒回的我們 很興奮 XD
那裡沒地方shopping 天氣又很熱 我和表姐整天在悶悶狀態。
睡了醒來去Cosway走走 ⊙﹏⊙b 然後回到又繼續睡
醒了就去吃晚餐了 XD



這幾天過得很充實 = ]
每天在家看GossipGirl和Vampire Diaries 時間很快過 ♥